Thursday, March 5, 2009


I had another dream again. Actually it was a sequence of dreams but I only remembered the last one. I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean and had to go pee so I was waiting in front of the door. I really had to go! I was bursting! Finally, somebody came out so I rushed in. The room was so narrow that my shoulders could brush against the wall whenever I turned around. It was really uncomfortable when I had to sit down on the toilet seat. Furthermore, I had my period also in the dream. And the bathroom was dirty. So I was urinating, and then all of a sudden somebody opened the door. I can't remember who it was now but I remember there were a whole bunch of people outside and they were laughing.

Then I woke up and hoped that I didn't pee in my bed...

So I looked up the dream interpretation again and this was what it said:

Urination: To see urine in your dream, represents the feelings you have rejected.

To dream that you are urinating, symbolizes a cleansing and release of negative or repressed emotions. Depending on your dream context, urination is symbolic of having or lacking basic control of your life.

To dream that you are urinating in public, symbolizes a lack of privacy in your affairs or your need to make a public apology or confession.

Menstruation: To dream of menstruation, indicates that you are releasing your pent-up tension and worry. It signals an end to difficult times and the beginning of relaxation. It may mean that some creative energy is being released or recognized. Alternatively, you may be denying your feminine side.

For women in particular, dreaming of their menstrual cycle when it is not time yet, may indicate your anxiety about your cycle or may sometimes signal an early or unexpected period.

Studies have shown that more vivid dreams seem to coincide with a woman's menstrual cycle. Dreams about being pregnant, giving birth, or motherhood occur more often while women are ovulating.

Ship: To see a ship in your dream, denotes that you are exploring aspects of your emotions and unconscious mind. The state and condition of the ship is indicative of your emotional state. If it is a cruise ship, then it suggests pleasant moods. If it is a warship, then you are experiencing feelings of aggression.

To dream that you are sailing the high seas in a ship, denotes that you are standing tall in times emotional turmoil.

To dream that a ship crashed or is sinking, suggests that some aspect of your life is out of control. You are expressing some fear or uncertainly within your emotional state. You are afraid of losing something close to you because of certain difficulties.

To dream that you abandon ship, indicates that you need to move on and let go. An aspect of your emotion is holding you back and it is time to leave it behind. Alternatively, consider the phrase "jumping ship", to indicate changing of sides.



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